PRSSA Champions/Teahan National Chapter Awards Competition

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The Champions For PRSSA is the informal, independent organization composed of professionals with a special interest in PRSSA. Each year, they sponsor the awards for the winning entries in the Chapter Awards Competition named for the late Dr. F. H. (Chris) Teahan, PRSA Vice President of Education, and a founding member of The Champions.

The categories and awards are:

Outstanding Chapter - $500/plaque

Chapter Firm - $400/plaque

Chapter Development - $300/plaque

Outstanding PRSA/PRSSA Chapter Relationship - $300/plaque

Community Service - $300/plaque

University Service - $300/plaque

Outstanding Faculty Adviser
1) Faculty Adviser - Trophy
2) PRSSA Chapter - $200

Outstanding Professional Adviser
1) Professional Adviser - Trophy
2) PRSSA Chapter - $200

Chapter Newsletter - $200/plaque

Chapter Website - $200/plaque

Outstanding District Conference - $300/plaque

Diversity - $300/plaque

This annual program is designed to recognize the outstanding achievements of PRSSA Chapters, its members, Advisers, and sponsoring PRSA Chapters. Entry rules are enclosed. All requirements must have been met between May 1, 2024, and April 30, 2025. Please submit your application via the PRSA Foundation portal no later than May 16, 2025.

Keep in mind that PRSSA is a pre-professional organization, and the entries should be professional. Each entry is reviewed and judged by PRSA members, so it is important that you showcase your finest work.

If you are seeking honor, recognition, and ways to raise money for your Chapter, take this opportunity to compete. We urge all Chapters to compete, regardless of size or resources.

Each entry will be evaluated for: quality of research, planning, organization, execution and evaluation of programs, presentation effectiveness, clarity, grammar and spelling, neatness and creativity. Winners will be announced and awards will be presented at the PRSSA 2025 International Conference.


OUTSTANDING CHAPTER — $500 and a plaque
Chapters in this category must display a continued effort on behalf of PRSSA. Programs should be well established, but the Chapter should also demonstrate new ideas. Successful fundraisers work with the school and community, alumni contact, PRSA Associate Member promotions, and a well-established student firm, will be considered. A strong and active chapter membership, and demonstrated leadership on the national level, both present and past, are part of an outstanding Chapter. Good working relationships with PRSA, Faculty and Professional Advisers and assistance to PRSSA members in finding internships are other areas that will be considered. If your Chapter wins, it means that it is outstanding in everything, and therefore cannot win in any other categories except Outstanding Faculty Adviser and Outstanding Professional Adviser.

CHAPTER FIRM — $400 and a plaque
This category is designed to recognize the work of on-campus student firms associated with PRSSA and are nationally affiliated. Judging criteria will include the performances and results achieved for clients, and the management and operation of the firm in providing strong business and professional experience for its staff.

CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT — $300 and a plaque
This category is open to Chapters that either have fewer than 20 members or have had a PRSSA charter for no more than three years. The following activities will be considered: chapter newsletters, membership drives, fundraisers, relationships with PRSA Chapters and members, public relations publications, and overall membership involvement. Activities will be judged for exceptional effort and creativity.

This category recognizes the strong relationship between the PRSSA Chapter and its sponsoring PRSA chapter. Criteria will include (but not be limited to): programs that encourage interaction (speeches, meetings) between members of the Chapters; attendance and assistance by PRSSA members at PRSA Chapter events; special support of the PRSSA Chapter and its members by the PRSA Chapter; such as internships; professional advisory councils and committees; joint seminars; sharing of PRSSA chapter newsletter and other information with PRSA Chapter members; awards and recognition given by the PRSA Chapter/members or the PRSSA Chapter/members to one another for outstanding performance. Note that the initiative for such programming must be mutual -- a two-way street of interest and nurture. A letter from the PRSA Chapter President or its PRSSA Professional Adviser must accompany the entry.

COMMUNITY SERVICE — $300 and a plaque
This category recognizes voluntary projects executed by a PRSSA Chapter that directly benefit the Chapter’s community. Projects such as producing brochures, pamphlets, directories and events; conducting community public relations campaigns; and offering time, talent and services to the community may be submitted. Judges are concerned with those activities that are intended for the residents of the local community.

This category recognizes voluntary projects executed by a PRSSA Chapter that directly benefit the chapter’s school. Projects such as producing brochures, pamphlets, directories and events; conducting university or college public relations campaigns; and offering time, talent and services to the school may be submitted. Judges are concerned with those activities that support the school’s objectives, organizations and interests.

CHAPTER DIVERSITY — $300 and a plaque
This category recognizes outstanding commitment to diversity within the PRSSA Chapter. PRSSA is dedicated in its efforts to welcome and maintain a diverse membership and encourages Chapters to recruit members that represent the demographic composition at their college or university. We embrace members regardless of race, culture, gender, religion, education, age, disability, marital status, socio-economic background or sexual orientation. Judging criteria will include activities performed to promote, generate awareness and encourage diversity within your Chapter.

CHAPTER NEWSLETTER — $200 and a plaque
This category honors the outstanding PRSSA newsletter. Criteria include quality of writing, creativity, design and content. Newsworthiness, frequency of publication and scope of distribution will also be considered by judges. Samples of the newsletter should accompany each entry.

CHAPTER WEBSITE — $200 and a plaque
This category honors the outstanding PRSSA Website. Criteria include creativity, design, content and overall appearance. Chapters should submit information on the steps taken in setting up and marketing the website, and include the Internet address and hard copies of their website.

The PRSSA National Committee created this award to increase member services and raise PRSSA district conferences to a new level of excellence. Each district conference will be judged on the overall benefit it gives to PRSSA members. Only Chapters that were selected to host a district activity through the official bid process are eligible to apply. To be declared a winner, an activity must be judged superior in all areas.

The following two categories concern achievements of individuals rather than groups or teams of students. Entries are also judged on the creativity, explicitness, research ability and responsibility displayed by students in presenting their advisers’ accomplishments:

CHAPTER FACULTY ADVISER — Trophy to Adviser; $200 to the PRSSA Chapter
This award is based on a Faculty Adviser’s outstanding service to the PRSSA Chapter through dedication and creative chapter guidance, effective student motivation, exceptional contributions to public relations education, supportive chapter advocacy and representation within the academic department and with the PRSA Chapter sponsoring chapter and its members.

CHAPTER PROFESSIONAL ADVISER — Trophy to Adviser; $200 to the PRSSA Chapter
This award is based on a Professional Adviser’s exemplary display and encouragement of professional attitudes and behavior, development of increased contact between professionals and students, successful promotion of PRSA Associate membership, supportive student advocacy and representation within the sponsoring PRSA Chapter, and general display of concern for the student chapter and its members.

A group of distinguished PRSA members and Champions For PRSSA will serve as judges for each category. If no entry is judged outstanding in any category, an award will not be given. The decisions of the judges will be final. Each entry is regarded as a formal presentation; the importance of writing, correct spelling, grammar and the overall appearance of the entry is therefore stressed.

Entries must be submitted to the PRSSA portal by May 16, 2025.

Winners will be announced and awards will be presented at the PRSSA 2025 International Conference in Washington, DC. The awards will be payable to the recipients’ university for the recipients use, and can only be used to fund educational pursuits.


1. Only PRSSA Chapters in good standing are eligible to enter the competition.

2. Chapters may submit only ONE entry per category, accompanied by the special entry form provided to all chapters for EACH entry submitted.

3. The Chapter that won an award in the 2024 competition may NOT submit an entry in the SAME category in 2025.

4. You may submit entries in as many categories as you want, however, if you win OUTSTANDING CHAPTER, you cannot be declared a winner in any other category, except the Outstanding Faculty Adviser and Outstanding Professional Adviser categories.

5. Each entry should be a four-page PDF with ONLY ten pages for additional information. The total number of pages in the PDF cannot exceed 14 pages.

6. Chapters applying for MULTIPLE CATEGORIES must submit each entry SEPARATELY.

7. A written summary must accompany each entry as part of the contents of the PDF. It must not exceed 4 pages in length.

8. Graphics, programs, brochures, and other supporting materials such as endorsement from educators, PRSA sponsoring chapter members, PRSSA alumni and current chapter members, may accompany the entry. Entries including non-pertinent information will be penalized.

9. Entries that do not specify the category for which they are submitted will also be disqualified.

10. Entries not following all entry rules will automatically be disqualified.

Please adhere to these requirements — keep in mind that although we expect good supporting information, the quantity of content is less important than the quality of work used to support the specific category you are entering.


Every PRSSA Chapter in good standing has the opportunity to participate in PRSSA’s prestigious (and lucrative) annual program for student Chapters: “The Champions/Teahan National Chapter Awards Competition.”

Tips to keep in mind --

Whether your Chapter is small, medium or large, if you’re proud of its accomplishments — ENTER! The judges take Chapter size and resources into consideration when making decisions.

* Be specific in your descriptions. Give details to help judges understand the value of your entry.

* Highlight objectives and RESULTS. For example, don’t just say you raised $200 by selling candy, or washing cars. Explain the campaign and how the money was used.

* Point out what makes your Chapter different or special in THIS category for THIS year.

* Include appropriate materials that illustrate projects, such as photographs, clippings and brochures. Package your entry in an attractive, business-like way.

* Follow the rules. Don’t waste your hard work by missing deadlines or exceeding page limits.

* Split the workload by assigning the writing of specific sections to Chapter members. Then have one person edit the copy, putting all the writing into one style.

* Leave breathing room to complete the entry. Rushing at the last-minute shows in a disorganized, poorly written entry. You are given several months to prepare your entries. Use that time wisely.

* Proofread for typos, correct grammar and consistent style.

* Write concisely. Make the four summary pages count; don’t waste space or words.

* Above all else, ENTER!