JJ&W Behavioral Science Prize

The Jackson Jackson & Wagner Behavioral Science prize was created in 1991 to honor the 35th Anniversary of Jackson, Jackson and Wagner, a behavioral public relations and management consulting firm (JJWPR.com) now in its 64th year of practice.
We, the selection committee for the Jackson Jackson & Wagner Behavioral Prize, are seeking your nominations for consideration as a possible recipient for this prize.
The prize honors a senior educator or practicing public relations professional, who has:
- Been actively publishing and presenting their theoretically derived behavioral research in the fields of public relations, various social or behavioral sciences, and/or business;
- Amassed a significantly sizable body of research on behavioral theory and/or research in public relations across practices; and
- Has been significant in adding to the understanding of, practice of, or research on the field of public relations that employs a behavioral approach based on established theory and research.
There are no restrictions as to gender, age, institution, field of study, except that the body of knowledge must have been demonstrated over a period of years typically resulting in advancement to an academic full or senior associate professorship or practicing at the vice-president or higher similar position in the profession.
We are asking you to consider individuals whose body of work has been most influential on your work that meets the requirements as stated above. Please submit a no more than 300-word nomination on how this person’s work with behavioral theories and/or research has been influential on the practice of public relations along with a short summary of their specific contributions. All submissions should be submitted in either MSWord or PDF format with one (1) inch margins, single-spaced, and non-justified 12 pt. Times New Roman type. If this nomination is selected for further consideration, you will be responsible for producing a resume or vita that summarizes in detail the nominee's contributions to the field to include: academic/professional articles, chapters in books, books, presentations at national and international conferences, and recognitions based on this body of knowledge.
Deadline for consideration for this year’s award is February 7, 2020. Please submit to don.stacks@miami.edu and include the nomination manuscript as an attachment.
Thank you for your help in identifying significant behavioral public relations theorists and researchers from the academic and professional worlds for nomination and consideration for the Jackson Jackson & Wagner Behavioral Science Prize.
Don W. Stacks, Ph.D.